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03 January 2023

The Greatest Hits of 2022: A Look Back at the Top SS&C Advent Geneva Blogs

As 2023 kicks off, what is top of mind for alternative investors? Based on our top-five blogs from 2022, our readers are focused on asset class diversification including the explosive growth in credit and direct lending. There is also an interest from our clients in increasing collaboration with our product development teams, whether virtually or in person. Lastly, our readers are inclined to learn more about operational services that help streamline their workflows.

The Top Five: Take a glimpse into the top five most-read SS&C Advent Geneva-related blogs of 2022.

Direct Lending vs. the Broadly Syndicated Market: What You Need to Know

The explosive growth in middle-market CLO activity is in part due to the flexibility and customization of deals, as compared to structured lending. The broadly syndicated loan (BSL) market is comprised of larger loans with public ratings, offering more liquidity to the credit space, as well as more transparency. Conversely, the middle-market CLO activity is comprised of smaller, more private firms that offer direct origination. Read this blog from Ben Simmers to learn the many factors to consider when comparing direct lending vs BSL, as well as what you need to know about direct lending now and moving forward into 2023.

Fund Administrators Return to Dublin for the Latest Insights and Updates

Our annual Fund Administration Strategy Summit is supposed to be, well, annual. As with most things in the past couple years, the global-health crisis intervened. After an enforced three-year hiatus, it was with real pleasure that the event made it back to Dublin in May of 2022. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect with clients and share the latest updates to SS&C Advent’s technology and services, along with a chance to for clients to share their business priorities with us to better inform our development roadmap. Read Aani Nerlekar’s post about this event and keep an eye out for invites to the 2023 event.

Understanding Non-Traditional Loans and the Impact to Operations

Non-traditional lending has great potential to be lucrative and profitable – provided lenders can overcome operational impediments. To increase profitability and source new streams of revenue, financial institutions are becoming more inventive and expanding the array of acceptable collateral to secure private loans. Two prime examples of these non-traditional loans are trade financing and structured lending. However, one of the more challenging obstacles to managing non-traditional loans is the technology for managing collateral. This blog from Ben Simmers reviews the potential solutions to increase profitability and efficiently track these non-traditional forms of collateral.

The Rise of Crypto, Stablecoin, NFT: How Are Digital Assets Affecting Your Business?

Digital assets including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and NFTs (non-fungible token) are now widespread investments among professional investors and asset managers. As this new asset class takes shape, SS&C Advent is well positioned to broker conversations around managing these new investments with our clients across the full investment management spectrum. In early 2022, we hosted a Geneva client focus group with lively, wide-ranging discussions on the future of this asset class. Read Brant Snyder’s blog to hear a few highlights that resonated with the group and reach out to your Relationship Manager if you’re interested in joining a focus group in 2023.

Investing in Private Credit? Leverage Managed Services to Launch New Strategies

The appeal of private credit stems from its resiliency in volatile times. More recently, the market has benefitted from uncertainty in the public equity markets, as private credit tends to deliver more stable risk-adjusted returns over time. To enter this market in a meaningful way, it is imperative to have an operational infrastructure that can handle the nuances and complexities of this asset class. Read this blog from Nick Nolan to learn how leveraging managed services can be a great help in taking advantage of the opportunities private credit offers.

What’s to come in 2023

As we look ahead to 2023, we are excited to continue partnering and collaborating with our esteemed clients to share ideas and build solutions and services that address their most complex workflows and operational needs today and tomorrow. Geneva, our award-winning portfolio and investor accounting platform, is backed by a dedicated, cross-functional team that are focused on supporting and empowering our clients. Stay tuned for more insights in the coming year.